Wuanap. The Smart LifeCollar prevents drowning

January 14, 2022

Wuanap inflates automatically when notices the user is unconscious while practicing any water sport!

An amazing story. From an idea to a working prototype


Watch some real testimonials made in Oahu, Hawaii


How to cancel the automatic activation if you need it and how is every human drowning position.


One 2022 Wuanap Pro edition and why does Wuanap choose an Indiegogo pre-order campaign?

To start manufacturing Wuanap, we need to pre-order every raw material needed from 4 different providers, which are: The electronics and sensors, the automatic inflation system, the inflatable, and the external neoprene. Some of them we will receive after 6 months, so that’s why we need to pre-order all of them as soon as possible. We are making this Indiegogo campaign so we are able to finance that purchases so we start manufacturing Wuanap as soon as possible to make it real.

During that time, we are going to keep testing and improving Wuanap, so it will be smaller and much beautiful than it is our working prototype. Also, we will be working with Pro-athletes to have their feedback from Wuanap, so we can finally produce the best product possible.

Back us to make Wuanap real!! Thank you!

Drowning: A huge problem to solve

Every water sports athlete that requires to stay in touch with the water like swimmers, surfers, freedivers, etc, does NOT have any safety gadget that allows them to move freely and just to be inflated automatically in case there is a critical situation,… Never in the course of human history has a total and effective solution to this problem been found… until now!

We are proud to introduce Wuanap, the world’s only Smart Lifecollar and the first device that makes it safe to practice any water sport.

Wuanap Pro, The first solution!

Around four years ago, I had a brush with death when I almost drowned while surfing in Spain. This experience made me wonder, why isn’t there a device that can keep me safe while enjoying any activity in the water? We applied for the U.S. patent in 2017, and it was finally granted in April 2019. After years of development, we are proud to present the solution that will change life as we know it.

What is Wuanap?


Wuanap is a comfortable neoprene life-saving collar with a motherboard equipped with state-of-the-art sensors. Coordinated by a complex algorithm, it detects a person’s patterns in the water in dangerous situations and inflates automatically in a fraction of a second. We designed this flotation device to ensure that it always keeps the wearer’s nose and mouth above the surface of the water, even if the wearer is unconscious or unable to move.

Wuanap features

Wuanap consists of 4 main parts. External neoprene, our patented Smart Life-collar technology, an inflatable, and an automatic complex inflation system.

1. External neoprene

It is divided into 2 parts, which the closer one to the neck is very flexible so it will adapt to everyone’s neck and the farther which contains the inflatable and the electronics.

Inside the closer one, which stays in contact with the neck, we have added an extra soft and no-grip material so it is going to make it very comfortable for the user.

2. Smart Life-collar technology

We have integrated a motherboard equipped with state-of-the-art sensors and a rechargeable battery inside a little box located in the back part of Wuanap, which connects through some cables to our display in the front and our barometer sensor.

Our hardware is coordinated by a complex algorithm that is monitoring 100 times a second what the user is doing, and it is going to detect if you have any problem in the water, so it will start beeping for 3 to 5 seconds to notice the user that is going to inflate automatically. If the user does not go to the surface by himself, move around or press the on/off button, the collar will inflate automatically to ensure that it always keeps the wearer’s nose and mouth above the surface of the water, even if the wearer is unconscious or unable to move.

3. Our special inflatable

We have designed an inflatable made of a material very flexible and consistent so when it is not inflated, does not require much space so we can have it inside the neoprene.

In case Wuanap detects a problem and the alarm is not canceled, it will inflate, and the form we have made it is going to ensure that it always keeps the wearer’s nose and mouth above the surface of the water, even if the wearer is unconscious or unable to move.

4. The automatic inflation system

Our inflating system is a new technology implanted to inflate anything, so we have added it to our Smart Life-collar technology, so the moment Wuanap sends the signal from our motherboard to the inflation system, the inflatable will inflate in less than a second.

It is safe and to make it so, we needed to make it of one unique use, so we can ensure the correct functioning of the whole system.

How Wuanap can save you without external help?

Did you know that when you become unconscious underwater, your brain prevents you from inhaling water for 10 to 40 seconds? Within five seconds of losing consciousness, Wuanap will get your head above water. You will start breathing and become conscious again automatically, without needing to be revived. That experience will become a simple anecdote, and you will go on enjoying life as usual.

IMPORTANT TO UNDERSTAND?: Your brain and nervous system are perfectly coordinated when it comes to survival. As a mammal, your body has nerve receptors that automatically trigger the diving reflex when they detect water on your face. As a result, your airway snaps shut and your heart rate decreases in order to increase your survival time.

When you get back to the surface, your nerve receptors detect it and open your airway, allowing you to start breathing autonomously and become conscious again. But this only happens if you return to the surface before the oxygen in your blood drops to the minimum level, which is why free divers always use the buddy system. If there’s a problem, for example, a diver blacks out, their buddy pulls them to the surface?, and the situation ends up being an anecdote instead of a tragedy.

Wuanap is that buddy that gets you to the surface if you have a problem. That way you can continue enjoying your favorite activity for the rest of your life.?

Wuanap only inflates automatically if notices one of these 7 critical situations


1. Unconsciousness:

There are several reasons why you can become unconscious in the water:

  • Hitting your head, a blow to the liver, and even types of extreme pain
  • Low blood oxygen level/hypoxia
  • Cold shock response

2. Immobility:

There are also several reasons why you may become immobile in the water, although you remain conscious:

  • Completely or partially fracturing a vertebra that makes you lose control of your body
  • Being trapped between rocks, etc.

3. Panic attacks:

This can happen to people who do not know how to swim as well as to expert swimmers.

Panic attacks in the water can be caused by an animal bite or sting, getting knocked over by a wave, a heart attack, fear, or simply not knowing how to swim. When they arise, the same thing happens to everyone unless they manage to calm down.

4. Seizures

The most common cause of seizures in epilepsy, but there are many other factors that can cause convulsions, which are extremely dangerous when they happen in the water:

  • A high fever, which can be associated with infections like meningitis
  • A lack of sleep
  • Low sodium concentration in the blood (hyponatremia), which can be caused by diuretic therapy
  • Medications, including certain pain relievers, antidepressants, or smoking cessation drugs that lower the seizure threshold
  • Head injuries cause bleeding in an area of the brain
  • A stroke
  • A brain tumor
  • Illegal or recreational drugs, such as amphetamines or cocaine

Excess consumption of alcohol after abstinence or extreme intoxication

5. Breath-holding test

When you receive Wuanap at home and register your product on the app with your username, one of the first questions you’ll be asked is your breath-holding capacity.

You’ll need to hold your breath, but it is important not to prepare for the test by taking several previous breaths. This is because when you have an accident in the water, you probably won’t have prepared for it by increasing the oxygen in your blood.

6. Panic button

If necessary, you can deliberately activate Wuanap by pressing a panic button for two seconds.

7. Screaming underwater

At times of danger, you could be conscious underwater, but unable to press the panic button for some reason.

We have also anticipated this possibility, so if you scream underwater, Wuanap will also be activated in less than a second to get you to the surface.

Sporting Goods