
Printisian | Print Anything Anywhere All at once!

March 11, 2024

Customizable Printing Content | Print Across All Surfaces & Materials |3 Steps Easy Printing for Everyone!


Text, pictures, date and time, QR/bar code, everything can be transformed into prints.

Allow each item to have one unique code that is easy to scan and identify.

Freely swap five Adapters for endless possibilities

Adaptive two-size laser aligners for all ink cartridges’ to perform your creative work on the greatest.

Mark all rounded-shaped materials within a slide to make all construction or woodwork traceable.

Slide to adjust the edge positioner to align on any surface and use anywhere.

Instant code reading provides convenience, from scanning items at checkout to managing stock levels in the back office.

Prints automatically as items approach without contact boosting productivity in any assembly line.

The built-in sensor allows you to print without clicking the button.
